Nova Launcher
Nah kali ini saya akan membagikan suatu update dari aplikasi Nova Launcher, di update kali ini nova launcher memberikan beberapa tampilan dan icon baru untuk penyesuaian pada android oreo dengan tema circle dots dan juga memberikan tema tambahan mengikuti style pada tema launcher pada ponsel pixel.
Selain dari itu, Nova Launcher juga memberikan beberapa bug fixes pada Android P Developer Preview yang crash pada beberapa fitur pada launcher ini.
Berikut adalah beberapa fitur inti dari Nova Launcher (Termasuk Fitur Prime) :
• Icon Themes - Find thousands of icon themes for Nova Launcher on the Play Store
• Subgrid positioning - Much greater control than standard launchers, Nova Launcher allows you to snap icons or widgets half way through the desktop grid cells
• Color controls - for labels, folders, unread badges, drawer tabs and backgrounds
• Customize App Drawer - Custom tabs, Vertical or Horizontal scrolling, Custom effects
• Improved Widget Drawer - Widgets grouped by app makes it much faster to use
• Infinite scroll - Never far from your favorite page, loop through the desktop or drawer continuously
• Backup/Restore - Sophisticated backup/restore system allowing you to backup your desktop layout and launcher settings
• Scrollable Dock - Create multiple docks and scroll between them
• Widgets in dock - Place any widget in your dock, such as a 4x1 music player widget
• Import Layout - No need to rebuild your desktop from scratch, Nova Launcher can import from most popular launchers. Including the one that came with your phone.
• Fast - Nova Launcher is highly optimized to do it's work quickly and quietly, keeping the animations smooth and letting you use your phone as fast as you can move your fingers.
Nova Launcher Prime
• Gestures - Swipe, pinch, double tap and more on the home screen to open your favorite apps
• Unread Counts - Never miss a message. Unread count badges for Hangouts, SMS, Gmail and more using the TeslaUnread plugin
• Custom Drawer Groups - Create new tabs or folders in the app drawer
• Hide Apps - Keep a clean app drawer by hiding never used apps
• Icon Swipes - Set custom actions for swiping on app shortcuts or folders
• More scroll effects - Such as Wipe, Accordion, and Throw
Dan ini adalah changelog dari versi saat ini :
*5.5.4 May 12*
- Fix blank app drawer on Android P DP2 Preview / Perbaikan error pada app drawer (menu list aplikasi pada Android P Developer Preview 2)
- Minor fixes and optimizations (Beberapa perbaikan dan optimalisasi aplikasi)
nah ini screenshotnya...
Untuk cara installasinya cukup mudah ..
1. Uninstall Nova Launcher dan Nova Launcher Prime versi lama
2. Install aplikasi Nova Launcher dan jangan dibuka dahulu
3. Install aplikasi Nova Launcher prime lalu buka aplikasi Nova Launcher
4. Selesai
Nah bagaimana tertarik untuk mencoba? nih linknya ...
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